General Ledger Leave Provisions

The General Ledger Leave provisions export function is used to export an amount to accounting software to meet an anticipated leave liability. The first time the export is performed, the total liability to date will be exported. On subsequent exports, only the liability which has accumulated since the last export will be provided for. The types of leave provided for can include any accrued leave type, or for the non-accrued leave types RDO accrual and Flextime.

Performing a GL Leave Provisions Export.

Delete processed general ledger provision transactions

As part of payroll's housekeeping functions, you can delete general ledger provision transactions which have already been processed and sent to your accounting software. To do this:

  1. From the Navigator go to Tools | Housekeeping. On the left highlight the General Ledger Provisions node.
  2. Enter the period end date of the latest transactions you wish to delete.
  3. Click Execute.
  4. The system will remove all transactions with a period end date prior to the nominated date.